Costruire una “web presence”

In questi giorni di forzata permanenza in casa, ho deciso di rimettere mani alla mia “web presence” che era rimasta un po’ “ferma”…

Qui sotto trovate alcune mie slides relative alla logica che ho seguito quando mi sono attivato la prima volta, ormai dieci anni fa.

Impegni domestici permettendo, vi rimetterò mano (magari traducendole in italiano…)

Stay tuned

Organizzazione e Trasformazione Digitale

Si parla ormai quasi ovunque delle implicazioni organizzative della Trasformazione Digitale, ma la problematica delle implicazioni organizzative dell’uso delle tecnologie digitali è (almeno per gli addetti ai lavori) una vecchia storia.

Sperando di fare cosa gradita, vi allego un mio articolo pubblicato su “Economia e Management” nel lontano 1993 che mi pare ancora, per molti versi attuale.

Lo trovate in forma scannerizzata perché l’originale non è più disponibile on-line(mi scuso per la qualità).

Ogni commento è benvenuto, come al solito… stay tuned

A proposito di Smart Working…

Alcuni link utili sullo Smart working

Dopo molto tempo (qualche anno) ho deciso di tornare sul mio blog considerato anche l’interesse che sta suscitando, causa la situazione attuale, il tema dello Smart Working.

Ho già trattato precedentemente questo tema qui potete trovare anche molti miei materiali relativi a queste problematiche su slideshare.

In questi giorni ho trovato in rete alcuni spunti interessanti che ho condiviso sul mio profilo Facebook e Linkedin. Ho pensato di raccoglierli qui raccolti secondo il loro aspetto predominante.

Cercherò di tenere aggiornata questa lista e prometto che non aspetterò altrettanto tempo per rifarmi vivo da queste pagine 😊

Stay tuned !!!

Introduzione alla Smart Working:

Aspetti normativi e legali:

Aspetti tecnologici:

Aspetti ergonomici:

Aspetti organizzativi:

Aspetti manageriali

Finanziamenti pubblici


My links of the week (weekly)

  • “Many countries with aging workers also have growing economic productivity. What’s behind this counterintuitive finding?”

  • “By creating user interfaces which let us work with the representations inside machine learning models, we can give people new tools for reasoning.”

    tags: artificial_intelligence

  • A year ago in Oslo Airport I checked in to an SAS flight. One airline kiosk issued a boarding pass, another punched out a luggage tag, then a computer screen showed me how to attach it and another where I should set the luggage on a conveyor. I encountered no single human being. The incident wasn’t important but it left me feeling oddly that I was out of human care, that something in our world had shifted.”

    tags: Digital_transformation

  • “When science and technology meet social and economic systems, you tend to see something akin to what the late Stephen Jay Gould called “punctuated equilibrium” in his description of evolutionary biology. Something that has been stable for a long period is suddenly disrupted radically—and then settles into a new equilibrium.1 Analogues across social and economic history include the discovery of fire, the domestication of dogs, the emergence of agricultural techniques, and, in more recent times, the Gutenberg printing press, the Jacquard loom, urban electrification, the automobile, the microprocessor, and the Internet. Each of these innovations collided with a society that had been in a period of relative stasis—followed by massive disruption.”

    tags: Digital_transformation

  • “Ferrero triplica i dipendenti in smart working. Dopo poco più di 6 mesi di progetto pilota l’azienda ha deciso di estendere dal 29 gennaio 2018 lo smart working a 350 dipendenti dai 100 inizialmente interessati, questo «alla luce dei risultati e dei riscontri positivi delle persone coinvolte», fa sapere l’azienda. Numeri alla mano su oltre 12mila ore lavorate in modalità smart, ne sono state risparmiate quasi 5.000 ore di viaggio.”

    tags: Smart_Work

  • “The Microsoft Cognitive Services offerings are broken into the following categories: Vision, Speech, Language, Knowledge and Search. How could a business make use of the Language, Knowledge and Search offerings in particular in the context of conversational platforms like Yammer and Teams? “

  • “Don’t worry about supersmart AI eliminating all the jobs. That’s just a distraction from the problems even relatively dumb computers are causing.”

  • tags: artificial_intelligence

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

My links of the week (weekly)

  • “In this interview with BCG, McAfee focuses on “machine,” the rise of artificial intelligence. McAfee is a big booster of most things digital, but he’s also a realist. He cautions, for example, that an AI engine is only as good as the data fed into it. Machines are still a long way from mastering many human tasks, and the biggest impediment to machine learning and other AI tools may be the imagination of business leaders. But he’s not worried about tech giants cornering the AI market, and he’s relatively sanguine about an automated economy in which many forms of work have disappeared.”

    tags: artificial_intelligence

  • “Neural networks, which learn to perform computational tasks by analyzing huge sets of training data, have been responsible for the most impressive recent advances in artificial intelligence, including speech-recognition and automatic-translation systems.”

  • “Myths aside, artificial intelligence is as prone to bias as the human kind. The good news is that the biases in algorithms can also be diagnosed and treate”

    tags: artificial_intelligence

  • A few months ago, the magazine strategy+business (s+b) published a roundtable discussion between s+b editor-in-chief Art Kleiner, economic historian Carlota Perez, and PwC UK partner Leo Johnson. The discussion was centered on Perez’s theory of technology revolutions and economic cycles. In her 2002 influential book, Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages and in several other publications, Perez framed the digital economy of the past few decades from a historical perspective. If we examine the long term historical big picture, patterns emerge which can help guide our understanding and planning for the future.

  • Sunspring debuted at the SCI-FI LONDON film festival in 2016. Set in a dystopian world with mass unemployment, the movie attracted many fans, with one viewer describing it as amusing but strange. But the most notable aspect of the film involves its creation: an artificial-intelligence (AI) bot wrote Sunspring’s screenplay.”

    tags: artificial_intelligence

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.